If you have a Federal Perkins Loan, Health Profession Student Loan, Loan for Disadvantaged Students or an academic loan, repayment begins after you graduate, leave the university or drop below half-time status.
Instructions for loan exit counseling will be sent to your official USC email address by ECSI, our service provider. During exit counseling you will receive your loan balance, repayment schedule and other important information.
Loan bills are mailed unless otherwise requested. Update your email or mailing address by logging in to ECSI.
Repayment Schedule
Unless you arrange for a different repayment schedule, standard repayment is 120 months (10 years).
Payments are due the first of each month. Please refer to your promissory note for grace-period information. If you need a copy of your promissory note, email uscsfs@usc.edu.
All current and past-due loans are reported to credit bureaus. Past-due loans are subject to late fees, finance charges and holds, which could prevent you from receiving your diploma, transcripts and other USC services. Delinquent accounts may be referred to outside collection agencies. Borrowers may be responsible for collection fees.
Making a Payment
Payments may be made by mail, phone, online or automated electronic deduction (ACH). Contact ECSI at 888-549-74 or log in to ECSI.
Deferments and Cancellations
You may be eligible for a loan deferment or cancellation under certain circumstances. Please refer to your promissory note or your exit counseling materials for more information. If you need a copy of your promissory note, email uscsfs@usc.edu.
For More Information
Contact ECSI with questions regarding payments and billing:
Phone: 888-549-3274
Website: ECSI
Contact USC Student Financial Services with questions regarding deferments, cancellations, loan account information or disputes:
Phone: 213-740-4077
Email: uscsfs@usc.edu